I have recently been told that I look like I have lost weight. This is a great compliment because it is exactly what I am working on. Here's how I've been doing it.
I had a baby and gained weight. The total amount was 60 husky pounds and miraculously, to me and my doctor, lost half of that before my six week post pardum check-up. You can blame it on nursing but I count it as a miracle. With 30 extra pounds weighing me down I went through a series of emotions: frustration, rage, humor, temporary contentment and lastly I just got flat out fed up. I learned many years ago that I am somewhat a type A person meaning I can be an obsessive perfectionist so, weighing myself could turn into something unhealthy and I did not want to do anything that would jeopardize the health I have been blessed with.
I tried Slim Fast and while it worked I wasn't happy with skipping meals for a can of hydrogenated oils. I consulted with a Jenny Craig representative and when I heard the price of food for a week I was outie.
Jenny Craig seemed that it would be the perfect fit for me. I wouldn't have to think about cooking healthy or have to measure a thing or have to go to meetings, but it was just too expensive for us. Feeling defeated, I was blessed when I read an article in Consumer Reports. It was talking about how Jenny Craig was a great weight loss program and as I read it my mother in law mentioned to me how she was starting up Weight Watchers (WW) again, I wasn't sure why because she is a skinny hot tamale, she suggested I look into it and thought that I would like it too. I scanned through her WW material and was skeptical that I could do it. I thought it through and a few days later I signed up for the on-line program.
I don't go to meetings but, I have embraced the whole idea as a game. One that I win every week. Yes, I measure, cook and I plan my meals and where I eat out. So far, I have lost just under 10 lb. and 6 inches! The first week was hard but by the third week I knew what and where to eat. The on-line program gives me access to thousands of recipes, restaurant guides and support. The app for my phone helps me track and calculate points if I am unsure of the PointsPlus value. With the app I don't worry about carrying logging charts along with the other hundreds of stuff I now have to carry with me.
WW has had a change in Points values adding carbs and protein to the mix. You can also track activity points and exchange them for food. Basically you get a certain number of points per day (this is a customized calculation). I get 29 daily points PLUS 49 extra points a week. If you go over your daily points your weekly points are used. If you work out or do any kind of activity you gain points and can exchange them before using your weekly points or use them after your weekly points are all gone. So far, I haven't really used my activity points, my weekly points, however, go towards my "off day". This is the one day a week that I don't track my meals as closely or at all.
Unlike Jenny Craig, I can eat out with WW. Yes, I have to do a little more work, but WW has taught me how to eat. So, when I reach my goal weight I can stay there because I've learned portion control. I really recommend this to anyone who wants to not only lose weight but change your way of thinking about food. WW has empowered me to lose weight while gaining healthy eating habits. I don't want to be rail thin I just want to slip into my pre pregnancy clothes and I am on my way!
I know I am forgetting plenty of other perks that come along with WW, but you can go to WeightWatchers.com and see the details for yourself.
** I am in no way affiliated with Weight Watchers. I just thought I'd share my success story and how I am losing weight.
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