
I am a twenty something year old mother. I married my amazing husband at the age of twenty so I've been happily married for a while.

Before we married we faithfully attended pre marital counseling provided by our church. This experience really helped us through a lot then and even now.

When we learned we were going to be parents (it took me a month of Sundays to admit I was indeed "up the spout" and 5 at home pregnancy tests) naturally, we attended birthing classes and graduated. With honors. No, just kidding. But we did graduate and have the certificate to prove it.

When baby girl was born we learned that we had to take the little stranger home and keep her. Forever. We didn't attend a class for this. We panicked. Or, at least I panicked and my husband pretended everything was ok. So sweet.

Enter in this blog. A place for me to vent and tell stories for my little one to enjoy when she is of reading age and, when her time comes, she could refer to it and know that she made it safely thus far even though her mommy was just as clueless. Hopefully that will be in about 20-30 years from now. Preferably 30 years.

Baby girl if you do read this just know "this too shall pass" is an awful saying and probably the last thing you want to hear in a moment of desperation and/or at the peak of a month long sleeping hiatus. But, it is very true and it will pass and you will look back and wonder how you ever made it out alive. This moment of glory and sweet victory will also pass. So enjoy it!

My Hobbies:

  • I love to make accessories for every lady. See my new Etsy shop here: Doncellacouture.etsy.com and other blog Doncellacouture.com I'm working on merging my blogs.
  • I love Music. Whether it's singing in our church choir, worship team or in the shower. Or just listening to it while I work, or clean or...
  • I love to write poems, songs, haikus, the desert is a lovely place...( if you get this line then you know what at haiku is :0)

In short. I am an average girl that married a handsomely great guy. Who then had a baby and decided to start a blog.