I make organic meals for my baby. I believe there are several health benefits in eating organic foods. The two things I really worry about are meat and dairy. I have read too many articles and seen one too many documentaries regarding hormones being injected into "meat" and dairy producing "meat" that lead me to my decision in cooking organic for my family. I may not be a stickler about it but it is very important to me.
Although, I don't look down at people that don't feed their children the way I feed mine, mainly because I couldn't give any less of a care and simply because it isn't any of my business. I've been scoffed at and I've had eyes rolled at me when I bust out my toddler's homemade food when we are dining out but, that's how we roll.
What and how we feed our child is very important to us. We have several over weight and diabetic people on either side of our family and we want to give the healthiest start possible to our baby. I say "we" because, believe it or not, the raising of our daughter isn't only my responsibility. My husband is a hands on type of father and has played a very influential role in what goes into her little mouth. We have mutually agreed that candy and even juices are out of the question for at least another year. At the very least. So, that means no Welches fruit juices or even {sniff, sniff} Haggen Dazs.
Now, I occasionally let her try new and different foods when we are out. She has eaten non-organic foods including meat but, on a day to day basis she eats what I make her and that, if you haven't guessed it by now, is organic.
I've been asked before how or what I feed her {again, and again, over and over, time after time} So, here you go- an example of a typical days menu. I am not by any means a nutritionalist, just a mommy. If you want to try organic foods for your baby I recommend doing research, speaking with your child's pediatrician and/or finding accessible organic certified baby food as an alternative.
Breakfast: Spinach Scramble
- 1/2 of 1 organic scrambled egg {store the other half for the next day or for lunch etc.}
- Mix in steamed organic spinach {I use the Beaba to steam}
- Slice a few organic raisins in half
- 4 oz of organic whole milk
- Water
Snack Time
- Annie's Homegrown Bunny Grahams
- Water
Lunch: Grilled Cheese
- Organic cheddar cheese {mild}
- Organic whole wheat bread {grill with unsalted organic butter}
- Steamed organic green beans
- 4 oz organic whole milk
- Water
- 1/2 steamed organic apple
- 1/2 table spoon of organic almond butter {we use the freshly made kind from Wholefoods} Any other kind works just fine
- Lots of water cause it gets sticky ;0)
Dinner: Pesto Turkey Fusilli
- Ground organic turkey meat {rounded into meatballs infused in pesto sauce}
- Archer farms organic pesto sauce
- Fusilli
- Steamed organic broccoli
- Plum Organics veggie puffs {dessert}
- 4 oz organic whole milk
- Water
If another snack is needed I would give her 1/2 a banana or more veggie puffs. She enjoys Honey Nut Cheerios {yes, non organic I know} so, I'd let her have some of those.
I have to admit that it takes some time and planning but, I never mind too much because I know that I can do it and not only does it save money but, I feel I know exactly what she's eating which makes allergic reactions and any other intolerances easier to detect giving me peace of mind which is PRICELESS!
ReplyDeleteYou are so stinkin' cute! I just love you and your writing. Who knew you were so gifted? Now I do!
Reading this post made me snicker though. Remember when you gave me such a hard time for eating organic and being so health-conscious? LOL
BTW, your post "Suck it up"- eloquent. ;) Love you!!!!
Thank you! It means a lot coming from YOU. I always think of you when I run into Wholefoods. I think God has his way of laughing at ME! ;0)
ReplyDeleteIt was nice hugging you and having a few laughs again.
LOVE YOU back!