Thursday, July 28, 2011

The taste of food

There was a time in my life when I felt overwhelmed and drained. I was working, going to school, paying rent and bills since the age of 15. My point is I remember feeling like I  wasn't enjoying my youth and would sometimes, if I could muster up the strength, throw myself a surprise pity party. "Surprise, poor me!"

Although they weren't the easiest of days and could remember wanting to trade places with one of my less stressed acquaintances {not friends, I didn't have the time} I can't help but look back and
L.O. friggin' L. Life was a breeze. A breeze, I say!

I was tired because I was able to stay up late BY CHOICE. I did "suffer" from insomnia but at least I could try to sleep. Now a days... Well, let's just say I don't have any kind of choice. If I could some how go back in time, not even to before I was married but just before I was pregnant, I would do the following a bit differently.

  • I would enjoy every meal. I would not count calories or criticize the amount of bell peppers the sub sandwich person didn't give me {they could be so stingy} but, just enjoy a meal while it is the correct temperature.
  • I would read books. A lot of them. I would read anything I want, whenever I want, over and over again.
  • I would go to bed early and wake up late. And/or I would never care what time I went to bed because it would be my fault whether or not I got enough sleep.
  • This is one I won't elaborate on but, it must be mentioned- I would use the restroom as needed, immediately and for as long as I possibly could.
  • I would avoid big purses and only carry a clutch or ziploc bag.
  • I'd lather, rinse and repeat twice.
  • I'd make a lot more time for m.e. and not feel guilty at all. I'd be a monster.
  • I would not procrastinate.
  • I'd thank my momma until she asked me to stop.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I know I left out several other things I took for granted before my role as mommy began but, these are the ones that I think about a little more than I care to admit. Mainly, the one thing I really, really miss is the taste of food.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! I love this! I don't remember the last time I got to eat at the same time as everyone else. And oh to carry a clutch again. Teehee.
