Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the wall.. HURRY UP!

As I reflect and read my older blog posts I am learning that a lot has changed, not just in general but, my outlook and even my very own desires have changed.

There was a time I would think it funny when I would hear preachers or just anyone say 'your kids will make you pray'. I took it in the sense that they will drive you to your knees for their rebellion, stubbornness an so on. Well, perhaps when she gets older (I pray not) as of now, she has been used of God in showing me there is dire need for improvement in me when it comes to patience.

I often hear from loved ones 'She has a big temper and a short fuse' that's lovingly followed with 'I wonder where she gets that from?' Me. I know it. I've seen that bit of me in her and Oh, how I long to be better! Not just so I can clear up my reputation but more importantly my testimony.

The Bible speaks about being "long-suffering"a word of which I have come quite accustomed with. This is what I've learned.

Longsuffering is basically love on trial. It enables you to forgive and forbear others (Colossians 3:13). As with the other manifestations of spiritual fruit, you can't produce it in yourself. The ability to be longsuffering comes from the Holy Spirit (Colossians 1:11) and by loving God's law. (Psalm 119:165) 

Longsuffering is also referred to as patience. Patience is being mild, gentle, and constant in all circumstances. The real test of patience is not in waiting, but in how we act while we wait. When we develop patience we will be able to put up with things without losing our tempers. Scripture tells us in James 1:4 "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire (whole), wanting (lacking) nothing." Reaching this point is definitely a process which takes a lot of practice. However, we can learn to enjoy life where we are while we are waiting for what we desire. 

I've NEVER prayed for patience, I've been instructed not to. Why not? Because, I'm sure it would overwhelm me and I would fail and give up for lack of patience. Although it may be humorous it is also WISE.

 God's plan is perfect and I want HIS will in my life. Instead I pray for His will and to be made whole. Pastor preached that there are inadequacies and voids in our lives that were created in us for only Him to fill. This word ushered me into the understanding of what God requires of me- everything. All the good and the bad. Everything.

So, I'm hoping that by this time next month I'll have this whole "patience"thing down pat. But, if not, I don't mind waiting. ;0)


  1. Think of it as another piece to your testimony rather than trying to clear your name. God doesn't make mistakes...he just works on improving us daily :)
