Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mommy Talk: A second time mother SPEAKS!

Writing is and always has been an outlet I've turned to through out my life. Becoming a mommy, and a clueless one at that, is not only scary but a bit lonely at times. So, in my endeavor to learn all I can I have recently solicited the help and advice of a few friends that have more experience in this mommy business than I do. Coincidentally, each friend has 1, 2, and 3 more children than I do.

The friend I am featuring today is a mother of two beautiful boys. She is to me a strong woman of God and a terrific mother. While reading her responses I found myself able to relate to some of her experiences, literally LOL'ing at the contents of her diaper bag and embarrassing moments she chose to share but most importantly, I took mental notes!

She asked to remain anonymous so, I'll just call her "Cassie". Love you girl!
Clueless: How many children do you have?
Cassie: I have 2 boys, Buck and Lil' Punkin Man (LPM)
Clueless: What has been your worst and best experience as a mommy?
Cassie: Worst- discovering after LPM came that I was not as patient with Buck as I thought I was.
Best- Experiencing the wonder of it all through Buck's eyes!
Clueless: What’s the one thing you wish you knew as a new mom?
Cassie: How to accept help
Clueless: What’s the first thing you would advise us first time moms?
Cassie: 1.  Be FLEXIBLE and kind to yourself! Your life is no longer yours alone and you can not be on top of everything! 2. It, whatever "it" is at the moment, is not the end of the world!
Clueless: What is the best and worst advice given to you?
Cassie: BEST-Go with your Mommy instinct, it is right!
Worst- He should be doing XYZ by now!
Clueless: When there is time, what do you do for yourself?
Cassie: Hmmm? Trying to figure that out with two [boys] and working full time outside my home.
Clueless: What’s the hardest thing you have had to do as a mommy so far? How did you overcome it?
Cassie: Going back to work after LPM was 4 Months old and trying to give enough time and attention to Buck! Still working on overcoming this!
Clueless: What is always in your diaper bag/ purse?
Cassie: Diapers, wipes, stinky bags, bottles, formula, wooden spoon, change of clothes for LPM, phone and rocks/pieces of dried up leaves that were lovingly collected "just for you" by Buck!
Clueless: Lastly, is there any funny, perhaps embarrassing, moments you can recall while you were pregnant or after you gave birth?
  Cassie: No one tells you about the involuntary noises that you can hardly, and sometimes CAN'T control! Wish I knew more about those!
Clueless: Is there anything more you would love to share?
 Cassie: The terrible two's are not so terrible! Stand by for the Treacherous Threes! They are the worst and yet most rewarding days so far!

Cassie, I really admire you and even though this is a seconds glimpse into your busy and high speed life, I can tell and feel the love you have for your babies. I know that there is a deeper story to be told and a more intense form of telling it, but even this much has helped me, not only learn about your experiences as a second time mother, but it has made me feel a closer bond between us mommies. I appreciate you!

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