Baby's bod:
Since birth my baby has used Mustela
and Burt's Bees Baby Bee products.
Burt's is more accessible so we continued with such. Her lovely baby bum is supple and smooth like, well, like a babies' bottom (should be). I love the smell of her Apricot bath oil
. We use the oil in her bath and use less of her shampoo and wash combo
every other day in order to skip out on too much soap or lotion application.
Baby's bum:
Diaper creme
. Oh, Burt, how'd you know I love the scent of Lavender? This creamy ointment sent from above, is just amazing! It really soothes and protects. This is a must-have for any mommy, especially this mommy. If this is too much,Vaseline (petroleum jelly) works just fine.
Baby's face:
For her daily face cleaning I use Mustela Physiobebe no rinse cleansing fluid
. It's gentle and very helpful to get her morning crusties off.
Also, I use Vaseline, usually at night, or I rub on Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lil' Face Butter
. This helps soothe and protect from harsh cold weather that can chap your baby's adorable face. I use it on her cheeks, forehead and right above her chin. Babies could also develop a rash from their binkie and or drool. Using Vaseline also helps prevent wrinkles. Just ask Tyra Banks.
Sunscreen can be used at a bout 6 months of age but I am not too worried about that now since it is nearing Winter. I wear sunblock year round but I rather not apply to much product to her face. Come warmer weather, you bet your bottom she'll be wearing sunscreen and a wide rimmed, J-Lo hat.
Mommy's Body:
Palmer's Cocoa butter
and Mama Bee's
oil is what I wear. the days of using Origin's body scrubs and such are long gone, but I have found that these do the trick. It helps with stretch mark and KEEPS my body feeling moisturized and healthy. I know about dry flaky skin. Trust me. I have really dry skin and suffer from Seborriah Dermatitis. I've tried EVERYTHING.
Mommy's Face:
For my face I use Aveeno Ultra Calming
Moisturing sun screen daily. And wash my face with Burt's soap bark face wash
. It tingles when applied but it is gentle and doesn't dry me out.
One thing you could gift me, and you'll never go wrong, is anything Burt's Bees. I am not sure why I love shopping for health and beauty products, but it is truly my strength and weakness. I have tons of experience with several products and am finally happy with my purchases.
I have severeal tried and true products I use for my hair, but that's a whole other post ;0)
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