I was the unruly child that would hide underneath the bed at the sound of cough syrup pouring. Yup. It was me, the monsters and the mysteriously missing socks under there. Mind you, I was brought up to show my parents much respect, but when it came to downing meds, I became... scrappy.
Even now my poor husband has to convince me or provide much needed evidence that the medicine he purchased, without a medical license, at a non specialty store, would make me feel good if and when taken according to the manufacturer's instructions. He could very well be a saint.
But, my, oh, my, how things have changed around here! Especially now that I am a mommy. In fact I find myself checking the clock for my next dose of the magical feel- good elixir. The reason behind my change of heart- my baby girl, of course! I have to get all better so that I can kiss her baby cheeks again. Sure, she smiles at me from afar but nothing can replace the warmth of her hugs and her sweet slimy kisses.
Enter Nana. Nana's are the third most important person in your baby's life. They are the ones that give the new (clueless) parents sound advice, who provide stories about their challenges as a parent, which in turn make you realize your situation isn't so bad after all. And most importantly, they swoop down to rescue your baby from the desease infested lounging quarters you call home. God bless my baby girls' Super Nana and Awesome Tata! We really appreciate them!
I'm taking the free time I have to a) disinfect my home b) take the longest shower EVER and c) go over all the pictures I have of my baby. Oh, and blogging. I'm suppose to be "resting and taking care" but I can't sit in my own filth and just veg out. Trust me, that would not aid in my getting better. I need to be in a clean and sanitary environment. Preferably one that smells of warm cider and home baked cookies- things I have no way of enjoying at this moment, and that makes me sad...
My point is that I feel that having this baby has made me grow up a bit more. I knew I would, but I just find it funny that she influences even the silliest parts of me. I mean, I'm sitting here resting, bored out of my mind, while on my third bottle of water in 2 hours. That makes about 28 oz for the day so far. If you know me you would know that I. Really. Do. Not. Like. Drinking. Water.
Mary Poppins
So, I have traded in my boxing gloves for the measuring cup and Vick's VapoRub
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