Fourteen, almost fifteen months later you would foolishly think {or at least I did} that my baby would be done with teething. I mean, it's not like she's growing gargantuan tusks. They are baby teeth, the kind that, annoyingly enough, will fall out in a few years. Fall OUT, people!
I love my child more than you could imagine and watching her endure pain, get frustrated and put anything in her mouth to find some kind of relief from the enamel frenemies that are stabbing and throbbing their way into her life, is just plain unbearable . I mean-- what is the pont?! Why can't these temporary suckers just grow as soft as a marshmallow and harden with every minute they are out in the open?
How long will this take? She has finally broken her incisors when I noticed I actually held her and cried from relief. Her molars you ask, they invented slow motion. GAHH! I mean I can see them through her inflamed gums but they will not ... arrive. Since I've know her she's been teething. I mean, come on! We've had enough.
Who can I blame for this? I want to call someone, anyone and give them a piece of my mind or write them a strongly worded letter. It would probably go something like this:
Dear God,
... Never mind.
Your appreciative and God-fearing daughter,
I'm ok with it most days but there have been days where I want to join her on her pain induced tantrums and just let it all out. Can you imagine?
Instead, I do anything possible to comfort her. Some of my logical resources are Camilia and infant's ibuprofen. Popsicles and chilled bananas work as well. At night, however, holding and rocking her are the only things that make us feel better.
Fast forward 5 years and I could vividly see myself letting her wait til the last minute to pull her loose teeth out cause it sure has ben a feat to grow them, and then, when that day comes, I can see the tooth fairy putting a little extra something underneath my pillow too.
I love my child more than you could imagine and watching her endure pain, get frustrated and put anything in her mouth to find some kind of relief from the enamel frenemies that are stabbing and throbbing their way into her life, is just plain unbearable . I mean-- what is the pont?! Why can't these temporary suckers just grow as soft as a marshmallow and harden with every minute they are out in the open?
How long will this take? She has finally broken her incisors when I noticed I actually held her and cried from relief. Her molars you ask, they invented slow motion. GAHH! I mean I can see them through her inflamed gums but they will not ... arrive. Since I've know her she's been teething. I mean, come on! We've had enough.
Who can I blame for this? I want to call someone, anyone and give them a piece of my mind or write them a strongly worded letter. It would probably go something like this:
Dear God,
... Never mind.
Your appreciative and God-fearing daughter,
I'm ok with it most days but there have been days where I want to join her on her pain induced tantrums and just let it all out. Can you imagine?
Instead, I do anything possible to comfort her. Some of my logical resources are Camilia and infant's ibuprofen. Popsicles and chilled bananas work as well. At night, however, holding and rocking her are the only things that make us feel better.
Fast forward 5 years and I could vividly see myself letting her wait til the last minute to pull her loose teeth out cause it sure has ben a feat to grow them, and then, when that day comes, I can see the tooth fairy putting a little extra something underneath my pillow too.
Dear Clueless B,
ReplyDeleteWe never did believe in pulling out those baby teeth. They had arrived like tyrants, and we weren't about to challenge their dominance.
You're right, one day another challenger will arrive and force it's way into position.
For heaven's sake, my dear 16 yr old daughter just lost a baby tooth! Seriously. Her permanent tooth had grown in and pushed the baby tooth out horizontally. So instead of one molar, she had 2 occupying one residence. Up upright and one that refused to move out. I was concerned, but the dentist said not to worry. "Isn't it kind of odd that her tooth is literally pushing into her cheek?", I asked. "No, I wouldn't be concerned. It will give up one day. Just let it go."
One day, after a 2 yr rebellion, it capitulated it's tenacious hold. I guess that baby figured it had worked hard to get where it was, and it wasn't conceding easily!
For claiming ignorance, you seem pretty wise to me. :) Love makes all the difference; it never fails. So don't worry. Holding her, rocking her & wailing along beside her probably help more than you know. One day those little choppers will bid her Adieu!
Love you dearly.
Your secret blog admirer,
Rosetta *smile*
What a fun read!