Many of you parents with kids under 2 years old know what I mean when I say the nights somehow run together. It's like you are living in one day that lasts an eternity.You say things like "What? It's Wednesday?! Why didn't anyone tell me?"Only to realize you're talking to yourself again, and it's actually Thursday. So now you're unsure if you're feeling relieved or angry at the fact that no one (ahem, your husband) could be bothered to flip the page on the calendar. *Frustrated grunt sound*

When they are infants we tend to
coddle them running to their rescue at every whimper or whine, especially if you are a first time parent, or so the experts (in my case, correctly) say. When they are teething-- it's simply normal to get infrequent sleep. But, you see, these things I was somewhat mentally prepared for. These things I read about in all the "Expect to be Sleep Deprived Forever" AKA Parenting Books, but never did I hear of "Crib-Diving". Oh... Yeah. This is what experienced parents are calling it in all the parenting forums. "Crib-Diving". Like it's a sport.
Friday night, I was out with my sister enjoying time away from the "office." When I get home, around 10 pm, my husband tells me about how she crawled out of her crib but that he managed to get her fast asleep. Well, Saturday night rolled around, and it was my turn to tuck her in. NO big deal. I'm a pro. Boy, was I in for a wrestling match. Long story short we all fell asleep at around 2 am. She crawled out twice she nearly split her head open. At about 1 am we figured if we take out the support spring box her mattress would be on the floor inside the crib, about 5 to 6 inches lower, making it
hopefully impossible for her to crawl out. It worked!
The next glorious morning we knew we had to devise a plan. Our options were a} convert her crib into a toddler bed (she has a convertible bed) which meant we had to buy a rail or b} get a crib tent that will keep her from the dangerous sport of which she has taken such a liking to. Once at BuyBuyBaby we found both at the same price. Not good. We are both irrationally tired and incapable of making such an important decision. Right? My husband figured we may as well get the rail because we had to convert her crib to a toddler bed eventually so, he placed the rail in the cart. Seeing this made me realize how ready I wasn't to have to struggle with her every night making sure she stays in bed and not run amok or get into things... the front door! We'd have to buy more safety locks and gates or, at this point, an electric shock collar! I didn't want to panic or argue or think. We were all so tired. So, I tried to stall. I immediately decided we should buy her new bedding. Expensive bedding. Bedding that will make him change his mind about the toddler bed-bedding. I said something like "she needs big girl bedding for her new bed... Yes, crib bedding and toddler bed-bedding are entirely different... it DOES make sense!" He walked away pushing the cart probably thinking about leaving me at the store, but I managed to buy myself some time to come to grips with the fact that my life will forever change. I whispered a powerful prayer-- "Lord, if it be possible...let this cup pass from me." When I saw that the toddler bedding was priced higher than bedding for our California King bed, I gave up and reluctantly followed him to stand in line
The lady behind the register called for us... my heart stopped and I began to sweat... I took one step and knew I just couldn't go down like this. I hopelessly grabbed my hubby's arm and blurted out, in the ugliest, whiniest voice EVER "I'm not ready for a toddler bed! I'm not ready to be up all night for who knows how long! She's growing up so fast, next she'll be on the potty, brushing her own teeth, going to school, DRIVING! It's all just too much! Please don't get the rail! Pleaasse?" Sob, sob, sob... Luckily, the parents surrounding us were too busy with their own brood to notice my meltdown.
My knight in shining armor held me and gave me a sympathetic laugh.
I no longer worry about those pointy edges
In this she is safe and so am I. :0)
My cuppeth SAFELY runneth overeth.